
100% accurate 100% fast


Changing the Liquidity Landscape

helixstream is changing how informed decisions are made in the cryptocurrency markets. We leverage high volume crypto exchanges, capturing all data points about every trade & order that occurs — then consolidate and stream this data instantaneously. We also provide historical data sets for backtesting and analysis. 

helixstream provides the infrastructure & institutional-grade data sets so you can focus on your competitive advantage and take action. 


Simplifying Cryptocurrency Market Data Access

Consolidating market data across the global crypto markets is complicated. Too many exchanges, too many integrations - all requiring an infrastructure that operates 24/7, never slows down and never miss a trade.

There have been attempts to bring visibility across the market, but most companies use data from another source. Many times this data is delayed, not actionable and doesn't accurately represent true available liquidity.

We believe it’s time for a new approach. One that connects directly to each exchange and creates a standard format to access institutional-grade data across the crypto landscape. The speed. The accuracy. The liquidy view. The consolidated stream. And of course historical data.

That's helixstream.